
وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ* القران سورة آل عمران ١٠٤
“Dan jadilah kamu sekalian bagian dari umat yang menyerukan kebajikan dan mengajak yang ma'ruf dan mencegah dari perbuatan munkar, mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung [Quran Surat Ali Imron, ayat 104]


Jumat, 30 April 2010

Masjid-masjid Indah di Dunia

Foto-foto masjid berikut diambli dari

Masjid Al Fatah di Manama Bahrain

Minggu, 25 April 2010

LDII is Neutral in Sidoarjo Election July 25, 2010

LDII Sidoarjo Chairman:"All candidates to nominate in Sidoarjo election this year is the best person in this district, LDII will accept and support whoever was elected.

Today Sunday July 25, 2010 is a historic day for Sidoarjo. A total of 1.286.036 citizen who eligible to vote in Sidoarjo must determine their leader for the next five years.

H. Hasan Yuswadi SH, The Chairman of DPD LDII Sidoarjo asserted, Jemaat LDII in this Sidoarjo election will be active and participatory. The pilgrims will use the vote properly and not abstain from voting. LDII as society organization that focus on the field of Islamic Da'wah and establishment the nobble manner of the people, in political realm will act neutral dan open. LDII can accept anyone from any faction. Contrarily with the intention of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar LDII person could be anywhere.

All candidates participate in Sidoarjo election this year are the best cadres in this district, which has strong commitment to welfare of society and inter-religious harmony. Therefor LDII in this 2010 Sidoarjo electoral handed over its choice to the congregation according to their conscience and their perception of each couple candidate and the deputy. LDII Sidoarjo Regional Leadership Council will accept and support anyone who would be elected in the election, furthermore Hasan Yuswadi said.

From the five of regent and regent deputy candidates it is recorded four have been visiting face to face with LDII congregation to present their vision and mission. First time came a couple Saiful Ilah & Hadi Sutjipto on 4 April 2010, followed by the couple Yuni - Sarto on May 9, 2010. June 13, 2010 Mrs Emy Susanti with his partner, HM Khulaim Junaidi, SP visited to the LDII Sidoarjo boarding-school and the last couple Bambang Prasetyo Widodo with Khoirul Huda also had audience with LDII pilgrims on July 11, 2010 .

All LDII ulema, administrator and pilgrims hope and pray this Regent election will run safe, peacefully and successfully. We all hope this election will yield leaders who are really honest and trusted that can shield the interest of all groups existing in Sidoarjo.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Khataman Hadist Sunan Ibni Majah di Ponpes Wali Barokah Kediri

Untuk kesekian kali Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) kembali menggelar khataman hadist besar. Kali ini giliran Hadist Ibnu Majah Jus 2 dikaji makna dan keterangan/tafsir hingga khatam. Acara ini dibuka oleh Walikota Kediri Dr Samsul Azhar pada hari Rabu 7 April 2010 di Pondok Pesantren Wali Barokah Banjaran Burengan Kediri Jawa Timur.

Hataman ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan Ilmu Hadist sebagai dasar agama Islam sekaligus menyebarkannya kepada seluruh umat Islam di Indonesia. Dengan antusias, pengajian khataman kali ini diikuti oleh sekitar 15.000 (lima belas ribu) Muslimin dan Muslimat yang datang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Tepat pukul 12.00, 21 April 2010 khataman hadist Ibni Majah di tutup.

Hadist Ibnu Majah merupakan salah satu dari enam Kutubu Sittah. Kutubu Sittah keseluruhan terdiri dari:
1. Hadist Shohih Bukhori
2. Hadist Shohih Muslim
3. Hadist Sunan Abi Dawud
4. Hadist Sunan Termizi
5. Hadist Sunan Nasa’i dan
6. Hadist Sunan Ibnu Majah

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Baitul Makmur Islamic Boarding-school in Wonosalam

KH. Sholichan Ma'arif ketua Pondok Pesantren Baitul Makmur Wonosalam

Baitul Makmur Islamic Boarding-school in Wonosalam is one of the oldest Islamic religious education center under the management of LDII (Islamic Da'wah Society of Indonesia). This boarding school became operational in 1974 initiated by the four LDII figures namely Mrs. Hj. Al Suntikah (Alm), KH. M. Taslim (Alm), KH. Sholichan Ma'arif and KH. Imam Muhdi. The address precisely in Dusun Mangir Rejo Wonosalam Village District Wonosalam Regent Jombang in East Java or go to south 15 km from Mojoagung city. The islamic bOarding-school can be contacted by phone 0321725987 or 081335652635 (Mr. KH. Sholichan Ma'arif)

Standing on area of 12 ha, in the midst of the natural environment and the contoured hills land with views of Mount Anjasmara background view makes the boarding school looks more as a villa or vacation home. Facilities within the lodge include; auditorium building, office & living room huts, male dormitory, girls dormitory, housing for teachers, kitchen and a health center building. The Boarding School led by KH. Ma'arif Sholichan now accommodate as many as 115 (one hundred and fifteen) students, the male and female from various regions in Indonesia and is raised by 6 (six) teachers.

The uniqueness of Baitul Makmur Boarding-school Wonosalam include:

Pengajian Umum LDII Sidoarjo Minggu 18 April 2010

Suasana halaman parkir pondok pesantren Al Barokah saat Pengajian Umum LDII Sidoarjo, Minggu, 18 April 2010

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Ponpes Al Hidayah Banjarbaru Kalsel

Terus Berbenah Meningkatkan Fasilitas

Kelahiran pondok pesantren di tanah air, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sejarah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia. Dan sampai saat ini kehadirannya tetap menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi umat Islam. Sejak awal berdirinya hingga sekarang, banyak pondok pesantren yang mempertahankan proses pembelajaran sistem tradisional. Walaupun sejak 1970-an mulai banyak pesantren yang membuka diri untuk mempelajari pelajaran umum.

MASJID berukuran 20 x 15 m2 yang dimiliki Ponpes Al Hidayah yang masih sederhana itu tampak terus dibenahi. Halamannya yang tidak begitu luas terlihat bersih. Tidak ada sampah berserakan di sembarang tempat, karena setiap pagi usai melaksanakan sholat subuh atau sore ba’da sholat ashar para santri diwajibkan menyapu halaman ini.Suasana masjid ini pun cukup semarak. Saban hari terdengar suara merdu puluhan anak yang mengaji, belajar nasehat/ceramah, dan shalat berjamaah. Pada setiap sepertiga malam yang akhir, masjid itupun selalu diramaikan oleh santri yang khusyuk mendirikan shalat lail (malam).

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Seminar dan Pelatihan Internet Sehat DPD LDII Propinsi Jawa Timur

Mulai 1 hingga 4 April 2010 Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DPD LDII) Propinsi Jawa Timur bekerjasama dengan Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi (Infokom) Propinsi Jatim menggelar Pelatihan dan Seminar bertema Gerakan Internet Sehat dan Citizen Journalism gelombang kedua. GERAKAN INTERNET SEHAT merupakan program pemerintah RI melalui DEPKOMINFO dan Dinas KOMINFO Propinsi Jawa Timur untuk mendorong pemanfaatan teknologi internet secara positif oleh masyarakat dan generasi muda secara khusus, sekaligus mencegah penyalahgunaan media online tersebut.

Masjid-masjid Indah di Dunia

Foto-foto masjid berikut diambli dari

Masjid Al Fatah di Manama Bahrain

LDII is Neutral in Sidoarjo Election July 25, 2010

LDII Sidoarjo Chairman:"All candidates to nominate in Sidoarjo election this year is the best person in this district, LDII will accept and support whoever was elected.

Today Sunday July 25, 2010 is a historic day for Sidoarjo. A total of 1.286.036 citizen who eligible to vote in Sidoarjo must determine their leader for the next five years.

H. Hasan Yuswadi SH, The Chairman of DPD LDII Sidoarjo asserted, Jemaat LDII in this Sidoarjo election will be active and participatory. The pilgrims will use the vote properly and not abstain from voting. LDII as society organization that focus on the field of Islamic Da'wah and establishment the nobble manner of the people, in political realm will act neutral dan open. LDII can accept anyone from any faction. Contrarily with the intention of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar LDII person could be anywhere.

All candidates participate in Sidoarjo election this year are the best cadres in this district, which has strong commitment to welfare of society and inter-religious harmony. Therefor LDII in this 2010 Sidoarjo electoral handed over its choice to the congregation according to their conscience and their perception of each couple candidate and the deputy. LDII Sidoarjo Regional Leadership Council will accept and support anyone who would be elected in the election, furthermore Hasan Yuswadi said.

From the five of regent and regent deputy candidates it is recorded four have been visiting face to face with LDII congregation to present their vision and mission. First time came a couple Saiful Ilah & Hadi Sutjipto on 4 April 2010, followed by the couple Yuni - Sarto on May 9, 2010. June 13, 2010 Mrs Emy Susanti with his partner, HM Khulaim Junaidi, SP visited to the LDII Sidoarjo boarding-school and the last couple Bambang Prasetyo Widodo with Khoirul Huda also had audience with LDII pilgrims on July 11, 2010 .

All LDII ulema, administrator and pilgrims hope and pray this Regent election will run safe, peacefully and successfully. We all hope this election will yield leaders who are really honest and trusted that can shield the interest of all groups existing in Sidoarjo.

Khataman Hadist Sunan Ibni Majah di Ponpes Wali Barokah Kediri

Untuk kesekian kali Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) kembali menggelar khataman hadist besar. Kali ini giliran Hadist Ibnu Majah Jus 2 dikaji makna dan keterangan/tafsir hingga khatam. Acara ini dibuka oleh Walikota Kediri Dr Samsul Azhar pada hari Rabu 7 April 2010 di Pondok Pesantren Wali Barokah Banjaran Burengan Kediri Jawa Timur.

Hataman ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan Ilmu Hadist sebagai dasar agama Islam sekaligus menyebarkannya kepada seluruh umat Islam di Indonesia. Dengan antusias, pengajian khataman kali ini diikuti oleh sekitar 15.000 (lima belas ribu) Muslimin dan Muslimat yang datang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Tepat pukul 12.00, 21 April 2010 khataman hadist Ibni Majah di tutup.

Hadist Ibnu Majah merupakan salah satu dari enam Kutubu Sittah. Kutubu Sittah keseluruhan terdiri dari:
1. Hadist Shohih Bukhori
2. Hadist Shohih Muslim
3. Hadist Sunan Abi Dawud
4. Hadist Sunan Termizi
5. Hadist Sunan Nasa’i dan
6. Hadist Sunan Ibnu Majah

Baitul Makmur Islamic Boarding-school in Wonosalam

KH. Sholichan Ma'arif ketua Pondok Pesantren Baitul Makmur Wonosalam

Baitul Makmur Islamic Boarding-school in Wonosalam is one of the oldest Islamic religious education center under the management of LDII (Islamic Da'wah Society of Indonesia). This boarding school became operational in 1974 initiated by the four LDII figures namely Mrs. Hj. Al Suntikah (Alm), KH. M. Taslim (Alm), KH. Sholichan Ma'arif and KH. Imam Muhdi. The address precisely in Dusun Mangir Rejo Wonosalam Village District Wonosalam Regent Jombang in East Java or go to south 15 km from Mojoagung city. The islamic bOarding-school can be contacted by phone 0321725987 or 081335652635 (Mr. KH. Sholichan Ma'arif)

Standing on area of 12 ha, in the midst of the natural environment and the contoured hills land with views of Mount Anjasmara background view makes the boarding school looks more as a villa or vacation home. Facilities within the lodge include; auditorium building, office & living room huts, male dormitory, girls dormitory, housing for teachers, kitchen and a health center building. The Boarding School led by KH. Ma'arif Sholichan now accommodate as many as 115 (one hundred and fifteen) students, the male and female from various regions in Indonesia and is raised by 6 (six) teachers.

The uniqueness of Baitul Makmur Boarding-school Wonosalam include:

Pengajian Umum LDII Sidoarjo Minggu 18 April 2010

Suasana halaman parkir pondok pesantren Al Barokah saat Pengajian Umum LDII Sidoarjo, Minggu, 18 April 2010

Ponpes Al Hidayah Banjarbaru Kalsel

Terus Berbenah Meningkatkan Fasilitas

Kelahiran pondok pesantren di tanah air, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sejarah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia. Dan sampai saat ini kehadirannya tetap menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi umat Islam. Sejak awal berdirinya hingga sekarang, banyak pondok pesantren yang mempertahankan proses pembelajaran sistem tradisional. Walaupun sejak 1970-an mulai banyak pesantren yang membuka diri untuk mempelajari pelajaran umum.

MASJID berukuran 20 x 15 m2 yang dimiliki Ponpes Al Hidayah yang masih sederhana itu tampak terus dibenahi. Halamannya yang tidak begitu luas terlihat bersih. Tidak ada sampah berserakan di sembarang tempat, karena setiap pagi usai melaksanakan sholat subuh atau sore ba’da sholat ashar para santri diwajibkan menyapu halaman ini.Suasana masjid ini pun cukup semarak. Saban hari terdengar suara merdu puluhan anak yang mengaji, belajar nasehat/ceramah, dan shalat berjamaah. Pada setiap sepertiga malam yang akhir, masjid itupun selalu diramaikan oleh santri yang khusyuk mendirikan shalat lail (malam).

Seminar dan Pelatihan Internet Sehat DPD LDII Propinsi Jawa Timur

Mulai 1 hingga 4 April 2010 Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DPD LDII) Propinsi Jawa Timur bekerjasama dengan Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi (Infokom) Propinsi Jatim menggelar Pelatihan dan Seminar bertema Gerakan Internet Sehat dan Citizen Journalism gelombang kedua. GERAKAN INTERNET SEHAT merupakan program pemerintah RI melalui DEPKOMINFO dan Dinas KOMINFO Propinsi Jawa Timur untuk mendorong pemanfaatan teknologi internet secara positif oleh masyarakat dan generasi muda secara khusus, sekaligus mencegah penyalahgunaan media online tersebut.